Gem Show Schedule

Twice a year, the team hits the road to do gem shows and trunk shows. Hitting Tucson in January and February, and Denver in September, the Discovery team exhibits gems, diamonds, finished jewelry and jewelry-made-to-order at these two famed shows. We also do trunk shows at select jewelry stores—if you want us to do a trunk show at your store, please contact us.

Tucson gem show

At the 22nd Street Show for gems, diamonds, custom jewelry and best selling jewelry collections. JANUARY & FEBRUARY every year.

Denver gem show

At the Denver Gem Show, National Western Complex, for gems, diamonds, custom jewelry and high-margin jewelry collections. SEPTEMBER every year.

Trunk shows

We come to your store and organize high margin gem shows to your best clients. If you want us to do a trunk show at your store, email:

Customize gem varieties, gold types, ring sizes and laser your brand in to the following best selling designs.

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